Soothing Skin Gel

The Herbarie's Soothing Skin Gel is a simple, but excellent formula to soothe insect bites, poison ivy or skin that has been overexposed to sun.

Part A
Distilled Water49.8% = 249 grams
GuarSilk0.3% = 1.5 grams
UltraMaize3.0% = 15 grams
Part B
Botanical Complex HC10% = 50 grams
Witch Hazel Hydrosol/Distillate10% = 50 grams
Rose Hydrosol/Distillate10% = 50 grams
Aloe Vera Extract10% = 50 grams
Plantago Extract5.0% = 25 grams
Lavender Essential Oil0.5% = 2.5 grams
Liquid Germall Plus0.3% = 1.5 grams
Total100.0% = 500 grams

Part A: Add GuarSilk to distilled water (room temp), mix well and hydrate for 10-15 minutes. Add UltraMaize, mix well and allow to hydrate for 5-10 minutes.

Part B: Add all ingredients to Part A and mix well. Package.

DISCLAIMER: This information is to demonstrate how The Herbarie products can be utilized. Our information is based on our own research and is believed to be accurate. We assume no liability for misuse of our products or data and we urge our purchaser to do their own testing to ensure the products meet their own specifications.

The Herbarie at Stoney Hill Farm, Inc., Prosperity, SC 29127

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