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Sodium Behenoyl Lactylate

  • $7.95
Ecocert - Sodium Behenoyl Lactylate was originally used as a food grade emulsifier. Sodium Behenoyl Lactylate is now used as a multifunctional ingredient in personal care. Sodium Behenoyl Lactylate can be used as an emulsifying agent, humectant and conditioner in skin and hair care. Sodium Behenoyl Lactylate is vegetable derived and can be used in creams, lotions, facial cleansers, and bath products such as bath butters and scrubs. Sodium Behenoyl Lactylate can be used as a gellant in the manufacture of antiperspirants and deodorant sticks with Propylene Glycol, Alcohol or Silicone. Other suggested uses, such as in bar soaps, result in low irritation to skin and moisturization of skin.

Sample formulas using Sodium Behenoyl Lactylate:

Rose Silk Cream
Artemisia Moon Cream
Coconut Macadamia Body Polish

Please visit The Formulary for more information.

INCI Name: Sodium Behenoyl Lactylate

General Recommended Percentage: 0.5% - 10%

Physical Form: Beige, waxy flakes

Slightly Anionic

Melt Range: 85-95C

Natural - Food Grade - GRAS

    • SKU
    • Weight
      0.45 lbs
  • Size
    1 ounce - $7.95, 14 ounce - $16.95, 5 pound - $75.00
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