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Passionfruit Oil

SKU: PassionfruitOil
  • $15.00
Only 6 left in stock

Passionfruit Oil is a lovely nourishing oil from Passiflora edulis which is native to tropical and semi-tropical regions. Its common names include Passion Fruit or Passionfruit (English), Maracuyá or Parcha (Spanish), Grenadille or fruit de la passion (French), and Maracujá (Portuguese). It is cultivated commercially in tropical and subtropical areas for its sweet, seedy fruit. The passion fruit is a pepo, a type of berry, round to oval, either yellow or dark purple at maturity, with a soft to firm, juicy interior filled with numerous seeds. The Herbarie Passionfruit Oil contains high levels of essential fatty acids and antioxidants. Passionfruit oil is quickly absorbed into skin leaving a conditioned, non-greasy feel.

Passionfruit is perfect for a wide range of cosmetic and personal care applications--anti-aging formulations, body lotions and creams, body oils, hair conditioners, hand creams, and facial care.

Physical Form: Clear, light yellow oil

INCI Name: Passiflora edulis seed oil

    • SKU
    • Weight
      0.15 lbs
  • Size
    4 oz. - $15.00
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